Mar 31, 2021

Trial of the Century

Another trial of the century,

another police death squad caught in the act,

another trial of the murdered,

another lash across America's back.

Mar 10, 2021

Texas Defeats Truman

Texas ends all Covid safety restricts,
the virus is defeated by the lone star,
45760 rangers dead,
the state is no longer in emergency.
Study note: Texas is still averaging over 200 Covid fatalities per week.

Mar 2, 2021

Green Hate and Man

I will not disparage my fellow man,
I will not denegrate him if I can,
I will not mock him while on lunch,
I will not taunt him on a bus,
I will not laugh at his attire,
I will not shout at him on wire,
I will not teach a new generation to hate,
I will not, must not,
Is it too late?

How much America?

How much does it cost to buy America? How much did Elon spend? How much does DOGE cost? Not the coin but the men.