Jun 9, 2023

Don, Don, Document, Gone

Don, Don, the klansman's son,

stole a document and told everyone,

the doc he shared for friends to read,

but when indicted he cried and peed. 

Jun 2, 2023

The Educated and the Nail

The country was built on the backs of the enslaved.

Now the enslaved are free we claim their descendants do not suffer.

The native people were exterminated and banished from their homes.

Now that we give them bare land we claim they do not suffer.

The country prospered on the blood and sweat of the young, the poor.

Now that a basic wage is given we claim the poor do not suffer.

The corporations profit from low wages and a sick workforce.

Now because healthcare exists we claim the sick do not suffer.

Knowledge is power: the difference between the hammer and the nail.

The reason the cost of education is designed to break you.


Space Harem

Grooming the next generation of engineers, grooming the next generation of trillionaires, populating Mars,  Texas,  employees.