Jun 13, 2024

Space Harem

Grooming the next generation of engineers,

grooming the next generation of trillionaires,

populating Mars, 



Jun 3, 2024

Ageism is A-Okay

Term limits cannot pass,

The companies protect their influence,

Millions of dollars spent on their tools,

When is a man too old to use?

Jun 1, 2024


You've been telling me you're a genius since you were seventeen

In all the time I've known you I still don't know what you mean

The weekend at the college didn't turn out like you planned
The things that pass for knowledge I can't understand

Apologies to Steely Dan

How much America?

How much does it cost to buy America? How much did Elon spend? How much does DOGE cost? Not the coin but the men.